Back there. Have you ever wanted to make your custom porn tube video? Well, now you can get free custom porn tube videos from people with our new scene creation service. I can honestly say that I have never seen a site that cares as much about its members as Porn Tube does. It is a great concept to allow members (and non-members) to submit scene ideas or their scripts and scenarios. Here’s how it works: If you have a porn tube fantasy you want to fulfill, submit your scene, and Porn Tube will film, direct, produce, and capture it for you. You can also choose your favorite models, locations, and talent. You can submit a detailed script or a simple concept. A Porn Tube producer will film and direct your scene for free.
While the production of your video is free, you will need to pay and become a member to watch and download it. Still, most custom videos cost between $100 and $200 per scene. Membership to Porn Tube starts at just $19.95, but you can get special discounted access for $9.95, valid only for users. Finished scenes usually take 2-4 weeks, but you can also create your Porn Tube scenes and shoot them to your specifications. The staff at Porn Tube encourages this and believes the more details, the better. As mentioned before, you don’t have to be a member of the porn tube to submit a scene, but you do need to record your scene in detail so that the details can be captured as accurately as possible. In the member’s area, you can see other scenes submitted by users, and you also have the opportunity to rate and comment on each porn tube scene. After watching some of the user-submitted handjob scenes, I can say that they are hot scenes. Plus, you get stills, too. Each video contains an average of over 100 stills and full HD videos for your handjob enjoyment. So if you’ve ever wanted to fulfill your Porn tube fantasies, be sure to check out Porn tube and its new scene-making service for members and non-members alike.