Have you seen the network’s new dating reality show “Ponstars”?Ponstar Dating on Porn Proxy.Guys.women. Ponstars in a porn agency that no one else can see. They speak on Pornproxy. Touch Pornproxy. You might even laugh and cringe at the porn proxies. Back into the light, in a group of women and men, they talk about their experiences. They smell each other’s clothes. A cartoonist draws pictures based on what the people he’s “attracted” look like on Pornproxy. Relationship experts “choose” who you should be with based on personality, compatibility, and other compatibility. Remarkably, three guys and three girls still decided to have these matches on a porn proxy. We all get along well…we’re close. There’s chemistry and lots of conversation, laughter, and excitement about how their match will go on Pornproxy. The truth is revealed towards the end of the show. As each “couple” enters the porn proxy room, the lights turn on very slowly for just a few seconds, revealing the man to the woman. The light returns again. The light above the female then lights up for a few seconds, making her visible to the male. So how will this end? Now, there are three “couples”. But now that they have met each other, they can decide whether they want to continue seeing each other or separate. First, a man with a Ponstars goes to the balcony of his house and waits to see if the woman he contacts comes out. If so, they drove off in a silver Bentley. If not, she packs up and leaves the house. Careless. She carried her suitcase in high heels and climbed down a steep ledge. The first couple of Ponstars selected each other to continue after the lights came on. Another man goes to the balcony with a porn proxy and waits. And wait. And wait. His Lady Ponster never shows up. Instead, he saw her and her suitcase coming in through the front door. Because no matter how good they get along at the Ponstars agency. No matter how much she enjoyed kissing him or smelling him…she didn’t fit the mental image of the man he wanted in her head. I couldn’t get over that fact. Fortunately, the third pair worked. why? She wasn’t his ideal, good-looking woman. She even stated that she had never dated a man as handsome as him. Nevertheless, they chose each other. He chose her because she “had” him because she embodied all the qualities he missed as a child. They fit each other’s needs. So what about the man left behind? He couldn’t believe that after such a perfect relationship between them, she would dump him because of his looks. The question is, how important is appearance? If all the other factors are right, compatibility, compatibility, caring, understanding, fun…you don’t want someone because visually they don’t match the “picture” you have in your head of what you want. Do you refuse?
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