The adult entertainment space with the launch of their new reality game show studio Sexy Girls, available exclusively through their premium subscription service Sexy Girls. After winning the Oscar for Best New Release of 2024 for “Sexy Girls House,” the company launched “Sexy Girls,” a concept studio that blurs the line between reality dating shows and explicit adult content. In “Sexy Girls,” the actors believe they are there to film a regular Sexy Girls House scene (sex without scripts or rules). Little did they know they were about to participate in a game show hosted by “Belle,” an interactive AI director. They must follow her rules and orders to get what they desire most: pleasure. If you don’t, there will be consequences. Produced and directed by Veronica Rossi and produced by Jackie St. James for Sexy Girls Plus, Sexy Girls maintains the raw and authentic atmosphere that Sexy Girls House seamlessly captured, and combines it with the excitement and gamification of Sexy Girls Blind Date. When the cast arrived on the set of Sexy Girls, they had no idea they were about to meet Bell, an interactive AI director. As a novice in erotic direction, I wanted to bring something to the table (or rather, the couch) that had never been seen before, explains Rossi. In a typical porn scene, there is usually a dominant partner and a submissive partner. In Sexy Girls, both actresses must submit to AI director, Belle, to receive pleasure. “It’s so exciting to see their reactions when they realize what they’re getting themselves into and their true personalities shine through as they try to please Belle,” Rossi continues. The scenes are full of excitement and anticipation as there is no knowing what will happen next for both the viewer and the actresses. Actress Kenzie Taylor said of her experience filming Sexy Girls: “10/10, I’d do it again. ” “I can honestly say that this has never happened to me before in my life,” explains Tae, another performer. “At Belleza, we always want to give our performers a truly enjoyable experience. “We can use Belle as a tool to bring dominance and leadership, but we give the actors enough leeway to take it in the direction they want,” explains director Rossi. mission is to empower Sexy Girls. Her platform is breaking down barriers surrounding female-centric Sexy Girls by changing the way sex toys are portrayed online. Women don’t come to Sexy Girls to hide under the duvet; they come to celebrate their Sexy Girls without regret.